Bellefit postpartum girdle review by Lindsey-P

A week after baby was born was when I started wearing my Bellefit corset. This is also the day I quit taking the pain meds, by choice. I felt great!


The pregnancy photo is from 37 weeks, I delivered (via emergency c-section) 2 weeks later. I felt miserable for the entire week following my son's birth. I even had to use a step stool to climb in and out of bed. Even with the pain medication, I was very uncomfortable. I dreaded the day it would run out.

A week after baby was born was when I started wearing my Bellefit corset. This is also the day I quit taking the pain meds, by choice. I felt great!

I was finally comfortable and could move around the house with ease. Even my husband noticed an immediate change in my demeanor. I started with the XL and then transitioned into a size L about 6 weeks later.

I credit Bellefit for helping me physically and emotionally after my pregnancy.

I definitely feel like myself again!
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