What You Need to Know About Subluxation of Symphysis in Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Puerperium

Pregnancy and childbirth are miracles a woman’s body can adequately perform. Women have the capability to carry a child in their womb and experience bodily changes that are at times nearly impossible to believe can happen.
One such change is subluxation of symphysis in pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium. You may ask what is that? An explanation may be necessary to break down these big words, so you may understand even a small portion of what your body is doing to accommodate the growing child inside you.

Subluxation of symphysis is also known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). This is a condition that causes excessive movement of the pubic symphysis. The symphysis is a midline, nonsynovial joint that connects the right and left superior pubic ram. Because of the misalignment of the pelvis, pain is associated with this diagnosis.
Basically, this joint holds the right and left sides of the pelvic muscles together. When this joint becomes soft, pelvic muscles and bones move more freely. With the weight of a growing baby, this can become a painful condition.
The major symptom of subluxation of symphysis is pain in the pelvic region. Some sufferers even notice a clicking or popping sound in the pelvic region when they move. If you are suffering from either symptom, you should contact your doctor.

Subluxation of symphysis is primarily caused by pregnancy. The bodily changes, weight, and position of baby all play a part in this diagnosis. The symphysis is a strong joint due to the dense network of ligaments surrounding it. During pregnancy and childbirth, the joint and pelvic muscles expand due to the release of the hormone relaxin. This hormone makes it possible for you to deliver your bundle of joy. If this hormone begins to release too early, your body will begin to react by loosening the ligaments surrounding this joint.
Once the ligaments have become loose, the joint can move more freely which can be painful during pregnancy and peurperium.

While this condition can cause pain during and after pregnancy, there are ways to manage the pain and enjoy your pregnancy and those beautiful first moments at home.
During pregnancy you may want to see a physiotherapist. They can provide exercises as well as manual therapy techniques to ensure you a strong pelvic floor and muscles surround the joints of the pelvic area. Other treatments can include:
- Hydrotherapy – performing exercises in water can be beneficial to managing pain and increasing flexibility in the pelvic region.
- Abdominal support garments – wearing a support garment allows you to support your pelvic region and prevent excessive stretching of ligaments.
After childbirth and the puerperium period, continuing to wear abdominal support or compression garments are a fantastic way to help alleviate any pelvic pain and allow your body to heal effectively.
The good news is that subluxation of symphysis usually subsides once you have given birth and does not affect the baby. While your prognosis is good, understand that your body has undergone great changes and will need time to heal. With exercise and the use of an abdominal support garment, you should not only heal quicker but enjoy motherhood pain free.
This Article was brought to you in collaboration with Bellefit, the makers of the best postpartum girdles
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As a woman-owned company, Bellefit® is no stranger to the challenges new moms face during and after pregnancy. The company helps women feel supported and confident in their changing bodies.
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