Tips On How To Survive Pregnancy With A Toddler

You finally have a little semi-independent child walking around and now you are pregnant. How are you going to survive pregnancy with a toddler? Don’t panic quite yet. With the advent of the internet, the good thing is you are not alone in your struggles. Thousands of women, just like you, have struggled with the same thoughts and worries. Thankfully, we were able to pull together a list of the top tips on how to survive pregnancy with a toddler.
Why surviving pregnancy with a toddler is harder
You’ve been around the block before. You know what to expect when it comes to pregnancy and labor now. And while not every pregnancy is the same, you have a vague idea of what is to come. The only problem is now you have to contend with a toddler too. The difficult thing about being pregnant with a toddler is that all the things you used to cope during your first pregnancy are no longer an option. You can’t go take a nap for two hours or go for a quick stroll in the park -- you have a child to look after. Even when you are sick, nauseous, run-down, and tired you have to be there for your toddler. You will have less time to be by yourself and you now have to take care of a child. So how do you survive?
Tips on how to survive pregnancy with a toddler
Obviously many women have done it before, but how did they do it without losing their minds? Between your doctor’s appointments, your toddler’s schedule, and your partner how will you have enough time to just be yourself? It’s hard. And it can be mentally and physically draining at times, but there are ways you can get through it with your sanity intact.
Schedule Personal Time
Make sure that you schedule personal time. This means time for yourself to do whatever you want to do. Maybe you want to take a nice bath or go to lunch with some friends--it doesn’t matter what you do. Just make sure you are taking the time to be an independent person. You can’t do the dishes, the laundry, cook, clean, grow a baby, and raise a child without needing some time to yourself. Even if it is just 15 minutes by yourself in the bathroom give yourself a breather to maintain your individuality.
Get Help From Others
As we said, you can’t do everything in the house by yourself. It is unrealistic and it is unfair to expect you to do everything. Make sure you are getting help from others--whether that be a partner, a friend, a sibling, or a parent. It might feel selfish or like you aren’t being the best you can be by reaching out for help but it is necessary. You need to be the best version of yourself for your child and your growing baby. That means not running yourself ragged.
Does your toddler have a scheduled nap time? Take a nap with them. Pregnant women need approximately 8-12 hours of sleep a night. It can be hard to get that when you are getting up to check on your child or suffering from pregnancy discomfort. That’s why naps are so important. Even a small 30-minute nap can mean a big difference in your energy levels later in the day.
Encourage Independent Play
Independent play is going to be a lifesaver to survive pregnancy with a toddler. Try to encourage your toddler to play with toys or do things that don’t require a lot of your attention. That way you can do the dishes while they play in the living room or you can go to the bathroom while they draw with crayons. Choose activities that you don’t to be an active participant in. This can also help them get used to playing by themselves and make it an easier transition when the baby comes.
Find Different Ways To Play
If you do need to be a part of their playing try to find ways to play while relaxing. Maybe lie down while they play doctor and diagnose/examine you. Or maybe watch a movie together. While they are entertained you relax and sit/lay down. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you end up relying on screens more frequently than you prefer. It is ok to need time off and it is ok to get that by sitting your child down with an iPad. It’s not the end of the world and you aren’t a bad parent for doing it. So don’t beat yourself up. Your health and sanity are just as important as your childs.
Schedule Daycare/Babysitting
Some days you are just going to want a break. On those days try to schedule a babysitter or a visit to daycare for a few hours. You will get some time to yourself and your child gets to have fun and play.
Go To The Library
One of the best ways to get your child entertained, and get time to relax, is by going to the library. Most libraries have reading circles or interactive events designed for children. This can help you survive pregnancy with a toddler.
Do Some Prep For The Next Day
A great way to stay on top of things and to relieve extra stress is by prepping for the next day. While your child is asleep in bed or taking a nap, you can prepare some morning meals or all of tomorrow’s meals and pop them in the fridge. This prevents you from having to spend that extra time tomorrow and allows you to be prepared for any last-minute things.
Surviving Postpartum
After giving birth you are going to be confronted with a whole new set of challenges. You are now going to be taking care of a baby and a toddler and you will still be recovering postpartum. Let Bellefit take away one of those worries and invest in a postpartum girdle today.
Bellefit’s postpartum girdles are designed to speed up the postpartum recovery process. Leaving you feeling back to your normal self sooner than you would have without it. That leaves you with one less thing on your plate to worry about.