Thoughts That Pregnant Moms Have After the Baby Shower

Finding a place in your home for the abundance of baby shower gifts you received from family and friends can be a bit overwhelming! After all, no one wants your baby to do without. If this is your first child, people may go crazy getting you everything you requested on your baby registries. Don’t let this stress you out because a lot of new mothers are going through the exact same thing now.
Here are some of the thoughts that pregnant moms have after the baby shower:
Where am I going to put all of this?
If nearly everything you asked for on your registries has been purchased, you may find that you have more gifts than you have room in your home for them. If this is the case, you can always return some of the items and buy them again when you need them. Most if not all gifts are returnable if they’ve been purchased off a registry. Some family members and friends tape a gift receipt to boxes for this precise reason.
What on Earth do I need this for?
You may have received items you didn’t know existed or even that a baby would require them in the first place. Again, this is when you determine how necessary these gifts are now. You could exchange them for something different such as for nursing pajamas or donate them to a mother in need.

Wow! I’m going to be giving birth sooner than I imagined!
Reality finally sinks in when you have a nursery full of things to welcome baby with. It’s a bittersweet moment because life will never be the same as you know it. You’re responsible for another human being, and it’s an incredibly exciting yet overwhelming feeling.
Do I really need this diaper pail or bottle warmer?
Although these gifts may not seem practical now, wait until you have a baby! You’ll see just how useful they are when it’s 3 AM and you don’t want to walk outdoors barefoot to toss a sack of dirty diapers into the garbage can. You also can save yourself time and prevent your baby from fussing by warming up his or her bottle.
I can’t hammer a nail! How am I going to put a stroller together?
Putting items together takes time, strength, and effort. You may need to recruit someone to assist you with this process now that the baby shower is over. After all, you’re going to need to save your strength for when you go into labor. If you’re not the handiest of all women, ask someone to come over and help you put together that stroller, crib or other baby necessity now while there is still time before your baby is born.

There are many thoughts that pregnant moms have after the baby shower.
Each is a legitimate response to the feelings of overwhelm you may be experiencing now. After all, having a baby is no easy task! It takes time, careful consideration, and planning to address all the things that your little one may need upon his or her arrival.
This Article was brought to you in collaboration with Bellefit, the makers of the best postpartum girdles
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As a woman-owned company, Bellefit® is no stranger to the challenges new moms face during and after pregnancy. The company helps women feel supported and confident in their changing bodies.