A Pregnant Woman's Guide to the Labor Induction Process

What Happens When Labor is Induced?
Now that you’ve been pregnant for a while, you’ve probably thought about going into labor many times. Even though your OBGYN explained the labor induction process during your scheduled visits, you have questions about how long it takes, ways to induce labor naturally, and how to minimize the pains of contractions without medication. By tackling the subject head-on, you prepare yourself for what’s yet to come.
A Quick Guide to Labor Induction
Consider this article as your guide to labor induction. You’ll learn more about it when it occurs, how the labor induction process starts, and why it’s sometimes necessary to induce a woman who hasn’t gone into labor naturally. We’ll also provide you with tips and tricks that will help you along the way as you prepare to give birth to a beautiful baby.
Are You a Good Candidate for Induction?
Reasons for induction

You’re a good candidate for induction if your baby is growing poorly or shows signs of distress while in the womb. If you are a week or two overdue, you may have your water broken by a doctor.
Women who have health conditions that could cause complications are often induced by medication so that the doctor can continue to monitor the baby carefully.
If you’ve chosen to be induced in favor of convenience, you’re not alone. According to FitPregnancy.com, as many as half of all inductions are elective. That means no middle of the night deliveries or additional discomforts caused by carrying a baby longer than expected.
Instead, you’re able to have some say as to when you go into labor. This can be convenient especially if you have other children who will need to be cared for while you’re in the hospital. You’ll be able to plan for a caregiver to step in during your absence.
What to Expect When You’re Medically Induced
Medical induction 101

If your doctor decides to induce you, there are some things you should know about the labor induction process.
One example is that your cervix must be ready to deliver. If it isn’t opened up enough, it could cause problems and require a C-section.
You’ll also find that Pitocin, the drug that is given to pregnant women to help stimulate contractions, can make labor difficult. Women who take the medication must be monitored around the clock to prevent problems.
Pitocin usage often requires an epidural which could affect your blood pressure and how well the blood circulates to the placenta.
Induce Labor Naturally If Possible
Natural induction 101

Make your labor occur naturally if possible. There are many ways to help the process along. You’ll know right away which suggestions feel right to you. After all, it’s your body, and you ultimately decide which options work and don’t work for it.
Some natural ways to induce labor include exercise, acupuncture, acupressure, red raspberry leaf tea, and sex. By waiting for labor to occur naturally, you’re able to build strength in your muscles which helps during the delivery process. Your baby also has a reduced risk of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar as well as infection and jaundice.
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Has your OBGYN discussed the labor induction process with you? How do you feel about inducing labor medically? Naturally? What questions have come up after you've read this article?