Infant Massage: Why Newborns Love This Therapy!

If you love a good massage, you’re not alone. Who doesn’t enjoy the healing effects that come from a good rub down? When it comes to massages, adults aren’t the only people who benefit from them. Newborns also enjoy infant massage therapy!
- The Gastrointestinal Tract Functions Better
- Muscle Tone is Normalized
- Circulation Improves with Infant Massage Therapy
- The Neurological Development of the Child’s Brain is Enhanced
- Regular Baby Massage Combats Sleep Issues
- Massage Relieves Painful Congestion, Gas, and Colic
- Baby Massage Reduces Cortisol Levels
- Parent-Infant Bonding and Attachment Takes Place During Massage Sessions
If you know little about baby massage, don’t worry. By the time you’re done reading this article, you’ll be well-informed about its benefits. You’ll even know how to gently massage your infant at home. The soothing action serves as a go-to resource for helping your baby feel his or her very best at all times.
The following list explains what infant massage does for a child, and why we, at Bellefit, love the healing modality.
The Gastrointestinal Tract Functions Better

Digestion occurs easier because of the massages that are given to your baby. There are fewer instances of constipation or stomach upset, too.
Muscle Tone is Normalized

Babies don’t have loose skin on their bodies because it is constantly being massaged which helps break up fatty deposits.
Physical Therapist Mary Evans states that the motions during newborn massage should mimic “brushing sand off a child’s body after going to the beach,” for optimal effect.
Circulation Improves with Infant Massage Therapy

The lymphatic system helps move waste products out of the body, and blood flow improves in areas that have been massaged.
A stagnant lymph doesn’t do what it is supposed to by moving fluid around.
The Neurological Development of the Child’s Brain is Enhanced

Babies benefit from the extra time and attention spent with them which helps their brains develop quickly.
Baby massage helps them process the world around them as well as better understand your relationship to them.
Regular Baby Massage Combats Sleep Issues

Babies relax better and sleep more soundly due to regular massage.
Their bodies are at peace and they don’t have painful conditions keeping them from falling or staying asleep throughout the day or night.
Massage Relieves Painful Congestion, Gas, and Colic

When a child is in discomfort, tenderly massage their tummy as it helps. It can be done after nursing them to alleviate gas bubbles.
Baby Massage Reduces Cortisol Levels

Known as the stress hormone, cortisol levels decrease when newborn massage is a regular part of a baby’s routine.
As you can see by the list above, there are many compelling reasons to make infant massage a regular thing you do with your baby.
It helps them grow and develop better as well as relieves a myriad of physical symptoms. Babies gain a better sense of the world around them and feel more safe and secure in their surroundings.
The bond with their parents deepens because of all the one-on-one time that is spent together, too.
Parent-Infant Bonding and Attachment Takes Place During Massage Sessions

Infant massage brings babies closer to their parents through a process known as parent-infant bonding and attachment.
When a mother and father are able to look their baby in the eye, touch their skin, and use their voice to gain looks of familiarity and relief on the child’s face, it’s very comforting.
The sense of smell is engaged, movement takes place, and thermal regulation comes naturally thanks to infant massage. Babies have an easier time growing and developing because massage promotes the release of hormones in the body, too.
As infant massage helps relieve newborns, postpartum massage helps new moms get adept to the motherhood experience. Hormone regulation, stress reduction, reduced swelling, enhanced relaxation and better breastfeeding experience are some of the many benefits of it.

In addition, regular use of postpartum girdles right after your pregnancy can speed up your recovery quite considerably. Postpartum corsets and girdles are great on their own, but when used in combination with massage therapy, it will have you looking and feeling your best in no time. Don't live with pain and low self-confidence - invest in a postpartum corset today!
Don't hesitate to let us know, if you have any special tip to help new moms offer a better massage therapy to their newborns.