Going Past Due Date: Some Truths for Pregnant Women

How Long Can You Go Past Your Due Date?
If you go past the due date, should you be concerned? The answer is no, unless your doctor states otherwise, it’s very common for a woman to experience going past due date which serves as an approximation for delivery.
If a week has gone by and you haven’t seen your OBGYN, it’s time to set up an appointment. The medical professional will then decide what to do next. Here is a list of things to expect when going past due date.
1. Calculations are merely estimates based on menstrual cycles and ovulation.
Again, every woman is different. Doctors have ways of telling how long a woman has been pregnant. Sometimes, babies come earlier than their due date. Other times, they come later, so going past due date isn't something to be worried about instantly.
2. Once you reached 42 weeks, your womb isn’t as comfortable for the baby.

As a baby grows, there becomes less space in the uterus. The child may not be receiving the vital things it needs to survive, either. The placenta changes and doesn’t provide adequate nutrition the way it did previously.
Close monitoring is required
Oxygen is also harder to come by which makes it very important to monitor the baby closely once you’ve reached this stage and not gone into labor.
3. Babies born after their due date increase the need for c-section.
It becomes increasingly more difficult to deliver a baby vaginally when they’re past 42 weeks in the womb.
Because of their larger size, it can be hard to get babies to travel through the birth canal without assistance. That means that they’ll likely need to be suctioned out or pulled out with forceps which isn’t ideal.
Many women who go through a c-section will seriously consider wearing a postpartum girdle or postpartum corset to help with their recovery and support during those first difficult weeks.
Natural ways to induce labor
If you want to make the birth process go as smoothly as possible, there are ways to naturally induce yourself. Speaking with your OBGYN about it will help you better prepare your body for giving birth during the last weeks of pregnancy. That way, you’re not doing anything to harm you or your baby.
4. Labor inductions often occur past 41 weeks.

When the cervix is ready, many doctors decide that its best to induce labor. They typically test prior to 41 weeks. If it doesn’t seem as if you’re ready, additional tests are run twice a week until the medical professional is certain that you’re ready to give birth. That way, the likelihood of complications lessens because you’ve avoided what could be considered dangerous conditions for giving birth.
Going past due date isn’t anything to worry about but is something that you should talk to your OBGYN about. After all, your doctor estimates when you will deliver.
So here's the answer to the question of how long can you go past your due date: if you’re a week past your due date, you’ll likely be induced. That way, you won’t be at risk for the complications such as an C-section. But you never know what can happen, and you need to be prepared for anything.
How we can help
Bellefit offers postpartum girdles specifically designed for your postpartum body - including women who had to go through a C-section. Your body needs time to heal after a major surgery like that, and with a new child to care for it can be incredibly difficult to make sure you are caring for yourself as well. At Bellefit know how hard it is - that is why we created our girdles. We want to get you back to feeling, and looking, your best in no time.

Our postpartum girdles are specifically designed for your postpartum body. Not only are they beneficial for your physical health, but they also make you feel better and gain back your confidence. There are many styles to choose from to ensure that you feel comfortable no matter what type of birth you had; and each item comes in a range of sizes to meet the needs of you and your body.
How do you feel about the facts mentioned on this article about going past due date? Do you still feel fear or worry, or are you now more relaxed and anticipating the birth of your little one?