Best Postpartum Girdle Certified Doula Childbirth Educator Video Review

Hi I am Debra Geymayr, directress of Prenatal Plus Yoga, here in Coral Gables Fl. Basically dealing with pregnancy, birth and beyond. Dealing with the wonderful time of pregnancy where women stay fit physically, emotionally and spiritual and just helping them feel comfortable and enjoy their 9 months of pregnancy.
The Best Postpartum Girdle
I see hundreds of moms during a week and the ones that need the Bellefit and purchase the Bellefit have greatly greatly benefited from the physical alleviation of discomfort.

With the postpartum moms usually the Bellefit Postpartum Girdles are worn right after birth and this has been an extreme benefit to helping moms bring the abdominal muscles back together and make them feel so much better about their bodies coming back to pre-pregnancy size after birth. Even with c-section it’s been wonderful to help them keep those abdominal muscles and the uterus intact. I am a certified childbirth educator so I do spend a lot of time educating women and couples helping them to prepare for labor and birth and working with them after birth with the babies. I am a certified doula and childbirth educator. Prenatal + Yoga is a Miami specialty center for pregnancy, birth and beyond. We are located in the heart of Coral Gables. Its Im Deborah, Directress and look us up we have a great time with pregnancy ,birth and beyond. Thank you