7 Things You Need to Know about the Second Trimester

So you've made it past your first trimester of pregnancy and are now entering the ever so blissful, second trimester! From the 13th through the 26th week your fatigue and morning sickness will subside giving you a smoother 3 months. During this time you will want to do some of your planning, decorating, and preparing since your energy levels will be up.
Of course, you will also experience a whole other set of changes in your body, just as you did in your first trimester.
Here are 7 things you need to know about the second trimester

1. You Will Feel More Energized
During your second trimester, be prepared to feel a boost in your energy levels. This is due to the increase in your hormone levels as well as being further along in the pregnancy. Your baby is now past a crucial stage of early development, which allows your body's strength to level out. Enjoy this trimester and take the time to take care of some preparations such as:
- Maternity clothes shopping
- Decorating your baby's room
- Putting together a baby registry
- Talking with your loved ones about planning your baby shower.

2. The Baby Is Moving and Showing You Their Gender
One of the most exciting things about the second trimester is that you can now feel your baby’s movement. Yes, he or she is really in there and they are letting you feel just how much they move around. During this time, it’s also common for many parents to want to find out the gender of their baby during an ultrasound visit. Every couple is different and the reasons for wanting or not wanting to know are many. This decision is totally up to you.

3. People Will Want to Rub Your Belly
Now that your beautiful baby bump is noticeable, people will want to rub your belly. As human beings, we are fascinated with the creation of life, and many folks feel drawn to rubbing your belly as an endearing way to connect with or to acknowledge your amazing pregnancy. Although some women are ok with this type of affection, many women feel very uncomfortable with people (especially strangers) rubbing their bellies.
This is a choice that is truly personal and you should never feel shy to stop someone from invading your personal space if it makes you uncomfortable.

4. The Beginning of Back Pain
Now that you are carrying more weight in your belly, your back will begin to feel a bit of stress. This will cause you to have lower back pain more often. Be sure to never sit or stand for extended periods of time as this can cause the back pain to become stronger. There are trained professionals who offer pregnancy massages, which can offer great relief for back pain, you can also do stretching exercises and get plenty of rest. Always consult with your Doctor before trying any of these options since every woman and every pregnancy is unique.

5. Welcome Appetite, Cravings and Weight Gain
Now that your morning sickness has gone away your appetite will return and you will begin to have some interesting pregnancy cravings, which along with your baby’s growth, will contribute to more weight gain during the next few weeks. Enjoy yourself and indulge your cravings, but be sure to always consult with your doctor if you are unsure that what you crave is safe for you and your baby.
It helps to eat small meals throughout the day as you will be burning more calories and will sustain your energy levels better by doing so. The weight gain will happen, however, make a conscious attempt to stay continue walking and moving around so that you can have a healthy pregnancy.

6. Heartburn May Linger
Unfortunately, heartburn is one of those symptoms that may linger during your second trimester. As your internal organs shift to make room for your expanding uterus, acids may continue to be pushed up through your esophagus and giving you the sour taste of heartburn in your mouth. Thankfully it may no longer be accompanied by nausea and there are things you can do to keep it under control.
To prevent and treat heartburn you can:
- Drink a glass of almond milk
- Take Tums
- Avoid eating spicy or greasy foods

7. Your Skin will Change
Your skin will change significantly in your second trimester. Now that your baby bump is getting bigger and your skin is stretching, you may begin to notice little stretch marks showing up in different areas of your body. Keep your skin moisturized and drink plenty of fluids to help ease up the advancement of stretch marks. Also keep in mind that after your baby is born, they will fade with time.
On the plus side, chances are the skin on your face will look amazing and you will have that beautiful pregnancy glow everyone’s always talking about.
This article was brought to you in collaboration with Bellefit, the makers of the best postpartum girdles
Founded in 2008 Bellefit® is the most mom-trusted and awarded brand of postpartum girdles & corsets for recovery after c-section or natural childbirth. Bellefit® girdles come in five designs made using proprietary compression fabrics. Their unique design features triple-layered reinforced front and back support panels. As a woman-owned company, Bellefit® is no stranger to the challenges new moms face during and after pregnancy. The company helps women feel supported and confident in their changing bodies.