Differences Between Vaginal and C-Section Childbirth

There are many differences between having your baby vaginally and having your baby via c-section childbirth:
- The method of delivery is the most obvious difference.
- During a vaginal delivery, a woman births her baby through her vagina, pushing in accordance with her contractions.
- During a c-section childbirth, a woman births her baby through a surgical opening in her abdomen.
Emergency C-Section -
C-Section Scar -
C-Section Bandage
C-section childbirth deliveries were once reserved for emergency situations or situations in which a mother would not be able to have her baby vaginally.
In the past twenty years, the number of Cesarean births has been rising.

Regardless of the underlying reasons for such a rise, women must be prepared for a Cesarean delivery more than ever before.

How does C-Section Childbirth Work?
- A c-section childbirth delivery occurs in an operating room.
- The mother is typically awake for the surgery, but she must be anesthetized from the chest down.
- The obstetrician makes the c section incision right above the woman's pubic bone. The incision is typically four or five inches across.
- From there, the doctor pulls back the skin, moves the abdominal muscles aside, and makes another low cut across the uterus.Then the amniotic fluid is suctioned out of the uterus, and the baby is delivered.
- The baby is then suctioned by the nurses in the operating room and cleaned up a bit. The placenta is removed by the doctor as well.
- Then the new mother gets to see her baby. During this time, the obstetrician is stitching up the uterus, replacing the abdominal muscles, and stitching up the skin.
If she desires it, the mother may nurse her baby in the recovery room. The road to recovery after c section begins here.
Vaginal Delivery and Recovery Times

A vaginal delivery is more active for the mother. Once she goes through labor and is fully dilated, she will feel an urge to push her baby out.
Typically she will push with her contractions, eventually pushing the baby down and out through the vagina, followed by the afterbirth, including the placenta.
- Depending on the speed of the birth and the size of the baby, the mom may experience some tearing around the perineum.
- These wounds will need to be stitched up by the doctors.
- If the mother desires, the baby can be placed directly on her chest after being born, before being whisked away to the warming table to be cleaned and weighed.
- Though some women who experience vaginal deliveries have major complications, they are usually easier to recover from than c-sections.
Because a c-section is major abdominal surgery, new mothers will likely need additional support from their partners, extended family, and friends to accomplish many chores, including driving and household activities, such as lifting laundry baskets.
All new mothers, however, need a great deal of support and understanding from their loved ones during the postpartum recovery period.
Does wearing a Postpartum Girdle help Women Recovery Faster from a C-Section?
After Birth -
One of the best ways to ease your discomfort after a c-section childbirth is to use an abdominal binder or compression girdle.
Some OB/GYNs will recommend a corset or girdle to new moms when a c-section has been scheduled.
- Compression is a post-operative option for many types of surgery because it speeds the healing process.
- By increasing circulation to the area under compression, the damaged tissues experience a better immune response and receive more blood, nutrients, and oxygen.
- According to Bellefit reviews, the abdominal binder speeds healing, it also supports the lower back by holding in the abdominal wall.
- This improves a woman's posture, which can be very poor during the initial postpartum period.
- Bellefit offers a medical grade compression garment that is perfect for postpartum recovery after c section.
- Sometimes the pain associated with recovery can interfere with establishing successful breastfeeding, too.
Women Wearing Postpartum Girdles After C-Section
Although there are a few situations in which c-sections cannot be avoided, it is best to try to prevent the surgery and allow your body to give birth the way nature intended.