What Moms Love Most About Being Pregnant

What Moms Love Most About Being Pregnant

Expecting a baby is one of the most exciting experiences of a woman's existence. How amazing is it to be able to create a human being in their womb, and day by day feel it grow until that precious moment when you finally meet face to face? It truly is a beautiful thing.

We asked moms what they love most about being pregnant and this is what they had to say:

"I loved feeling my baby move inside my belly! And when I was in my third trimester it was so neat to get to see her movement and watch my belly sway from side to side."


"The cravings!!! I loved the cravings and feeling like it was ok to indulge. The craziest thing I ever craved was pickles and whipped cream!"


"I loved the first time my toddler felt the baby move in my belly. He was so excited and amazed to feel his baby brother and there was something really special about my boys bonding before they even met." - Carla

"My favorite moment was when we found out we were having twins! It was unbelievable! My husband has cousins that are twins, but we just never imagined it would happen to us!!!"


"Ok, I'm not ashamed to say this, but people would give me free stuff all the time! I guess I must've looked tired or something, but I would get free smoothies and meals and once I even got a free foot massage!"


"The best thing about being pregnant was having those quiet moments of meditation when I could just sit in silence and feel my baby living in my belly. There was a true beauty in having that oneness with her that I had never had with anyone else before"


"Let me just say that my favorite part was making my baby registry and attending my baby shower! It was so much fun to walk around the store with the little scanner and scan my little heart out! And then when I went to my baby shower, I got so excited when my friends and family actually got me all the stuff I chose!"


"Hands down, the best moment was when I went into labor. Of course, it was painful and all that, but just knowing that I was just hours from meeting my baby boy was so exciting for me, plus, I was so over being pregnant at that point, hahaha!."


"My hair, nails and skin looked AMAZING when I was pregnant. I didn't even have to try, it all just looked amazing on its own, lol."


"That pregnancy glow they talk about, it's real! I felt so beautiful and like there was a glow around me. It was nice to hear compliments from so many people telling me how beautiful I looked" - Annie


"OMG, my favorite part was being able to nap whenever I wanted, I miss napping"


"Even though there was whole lot of pressure, it was really cool to get to name my baby. Choosing a name was not easy, but still, I felt a huge responsibility to give him a name he would appreciate."

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Cynthia Suarez

  • Jul 08, 2016
  • Category: News
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