Last Month of Pregnancy Checklist

Are you prepared for the home stretch as you come towards the end of your pregnancy? This checklist will help you make sure you have all your ducks in a row before your little one arrives.
Last Month of Pregnancy Checklist
1. Do something nice for yourself.
New moms tend to share a few things in common, one of which is a complete focus on their baby’s needs to the expense of their own. Take all the time you can to pamper yourself at this point. Get your hair styled or cut. Get a manicure and take care of any other personal care indulgence you can think of.
2. Enjoy social time with adults.
Chances are that you and your newborn aren’t going to be having deep conversations about current events or catchup chats about the latest gossip. Get your fill while you can. Go to a brunch with your girlfriends, have a romantic date with your partner. Spend some quality time with your bestie. Make the most of your relatively open dance card while it lasts.
3. Get your house ready.
You’ve probably spent the last few months super focused on the nursery, the baby’s bathroom, baby-proofing and making room in the kitchen for bottles and other feeding supplies. As you put the finishing touches on these tasks, don’t forget to set yourself up for success too. Do your laundry, stock your pantry and make a list of any upcoming household chores will need to be taken care of while you’re busy taking care of the baby. Your partner, family and close friends can help you do all of this both now and later, so don’t stress out!

4. Test out your gear.
It’s a good idea to make sure all of your baby gear is unpacked and in a place you’ll remember. But, you can take this a step further. Test everything now so you can understand how it works and be sure you have everything you need to keep things up and running. Perhaps that motorized crib mobile isn’t actually working properly, or the stroller you ordered has a mystery lever you’re afraid to touch. Figure all this stuff out now so you don’t have yet another thing on your plate once the baby arrives. You can also take this time to start looking at girdles, nursing pajamas and other garments that you’ll need after your delivery.
5. Line up your announcements.
Get excited about the baby’s arrival by looking up birth announcements. You can even book a photoshoot with a newborn photographer if you’re so inclined. If not, be sure to clear out the storage on your camera or phone so you can take tons of pictures of the new arrival to include with your announcement.
You’ll want to free up plenty of space on your phone and your partner’s phone and maybe even invest in a separate camera anyway. You’re going to be taking a ton of photos in the next several years. Why not set up an at-home photo printer while you’re at it so you can have hard copies to frame as well?