5 Tips to Beat Pregnancy Fatigue

We have put together a list of the best tips to beat pregnancy fatigue. Pregnancy fatigue is one of the many things women have to deal with while pregnant. In order to combat this, sleep, food, and water are the main things you need to balance.
Reasons for Pregnancy Fatigue
There are many reasons you may experience fatigue during your pregnancy. Growing a baby is a lot of work, and your body is experiencing a lot of changes. This is the main reason you feel fatigued during your pregnancy. In each trimester of your pregnancy fatigue can be brought on for a variety of reasons.
First-trimester pregnancy fatigue
Fatigue is one of the large symptoms that you are pregnant. During the first trimester of pregnancy, the body produces a bunch of different hormones in order to grow a baby. This increase in hormones can cause an increase in fatigue and leave you feeling tired. In addition, women often experience rapid changes in blood sugar/blood pressure due to their pregnancy which can also lead to fatigue. Besides these things, first-trimester nausea can increase fatigue as well. Your body is essentially pummeled with a bunch of changes at one time and is expected to deal with it.
Second-trimester pregnancy fatigue
During the second trimester of pregnancy, much of the pregnancy fatigue subsides and many women experience a sudden surge of energy. The hormones have balanced themselves out a little bit, your body has adjusted to the new requirements, and you have found a good routine to stay healthy.
Third-trimester pregnancy fatigue
Throughout the third trimester, fatigue begins to set back in. This time it is due to the rapidly growing baby inside of you. As your stomach swells to accommodate the new baby, you will likely experience discomfort and pain. This discomfort can disturb your sleeping schedule. In addition, your growing baby can add weight that makes it difficult to perform daily tasks. Not only that, but many women have an iron deficiency in their third-trimester which can lead to fatigue.
Tips to beat pregnancy fatigue
There are a few main ways to beat pregnancy fatigue. They include: getting as much sleep as possible, creating an exercise schedule, taking vitamins, staying hydrated, and eating a balanced diet.
The best tip to beat pregnancy fatigue is to get as much sleep as possible. Yes, it seems obvious and it is much easier said than done, but there is science behind it as well. A typical adult need between 7-9 hours of sleep a day. A pregnant woman needs about 1-2 additional hours of sleep. This means that your normal amount of sleep is not going to be enough. Try to go to bed a little earlier, or get up a little later - you will thank yourself for it later. As your pregnancy progresses you will find it difficult to get into a comfortable sleeping position. Try investing in a body pillow or shifting your sleeping position. Finally, try to nap as much as possible. Even short little 15-20 minute naps can be beneficial to fighting your pregnancy fatigue.
While setting aside time to exercise may not be a top priority, it is one of the best ways to beat pregnancy fatigue. Exercise tires your body so that you get a better night’s sleep, and it releases endorphins which help you feel better and increases your energy. It doesn’t have to be a super rigorous exercise, but something as simple as walking or swimming can be beneficial.
Take vitamins
One reason your body may be fatigued is because of a nutrient deficiency. As you grow a baby your body needs more vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy. Taking a prenatal vitamin ensures that you get all of the necessary nutrients that your body needs on a daily basis. This can fight fatigue caused by nutrient deficiency.
Stay hydrated
Hydration is key to beating pregnancy fatigue. Your body needs more water to function while you are pregnant. If you become dehydrated your blood volume decreases meaning your heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout your body. This can cause fatigue. Staying hydrated allows your body to function properly and ensures that you don’t become tired due to hydration. Try tracking your water or eating water-dense foods in order to increase your water intake.
Eat a balanced diet
Your body needs a certain amount of nutrients in order to function. Prenatal vitamins can help you reach those nutrients, but you need to maintain a healthy and balanced diet in order for you to feel the benefits. Many doctors recommend eating six small meals a day in order to maintain your blood sugar levels. Try to eat fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and protein and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Many processed foods can spike your blood sugar leading to a rapid fall in blood sugar later during the day. This can cause you to feel fatigued and lethargic.
When to see a doctor
Pregnancy fatigue is par for the course, but there are some situations where fatigue can be cause for concern. Severe pregnancy fatigue can be signs that you are experiencing other syndromes during your pregnancy such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or anemia.
Watch for symptoms such as
- Restless legs (urge to move legs while resting)
- Insomnia
- Sleep apnea (breathing stops during sleep)
- Dizziness
- Less frequent urination
- Severe headaches
- Shortness of breath
- Heart palpitations
- Swelling in ankles, hands, or feet
If you experience any of these symptoms talk to your doctor.
Key tips to beat pregnancy fatigue
Pregnancy fatigue is common and not really something you should be too worried about. Your body needs extra sleep, food, and water to create the new life growing inside of you. But just because fatigue is normal doesn’t mean you have to deal with it. Getting extra sleep, exercising, taking prenatal vitamins, staying hydrated, and eating a balanced diet can all help you beat pregnancy fatigue.

After your pregnancy, you are still going to feel a little fatigued. Your body will be recovering from labor and you will be taking care of your new baby. Don’t push yourself and make sure that you recover faster by investing in a postpartum girdle. Bellefit’s postpartum girdles are designed to prevent you from over-extending yourself. This allows you to heal faster and get back to being your amazing self. Try one out today!