10 Pregnancy Must Haves

Aside from the obvious pregnancy essentials like prenatal vitamins and maternity books, there are a few items that are absolute must-haves for the mom-to-be.

Body Pillow
Sleep can be somewhat uncomfortable for pregnant women. There is a big belly in the way to think about, so sleeping on your stomach ceases to be an option as you enter your second trimester. Thankfully, women have found much comfort in the positions that can be achieved with the help of pregnancy body pillows! There are a variety of styles by many reputable companies that you can search to find the perfect fit.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a must have during pregnancy for it's seemingly infinite uses. During pregnancy (as well as after) coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer, stretch mark reducer and even an eye-makeup remover! It doesn't end there; you can also use it for cooking, making lip balm and get this, frizzy hair tamer! So stock up on a big jar and separate it into small mason jars to keep in your purse, bathroom and kitchen!

Heartburn is the worse! We'll never really know if the old wives tale that says heartburn happens because the baby will have a lot of hair, but we do know that no matter the reason, Tums will help ease the horrendous burn. Long gone are the days of chalky heartburn chews. Tums now makes both chewable candies and a smoothie, which are both, way easier to consume and taste delish!

Lip Balm
Lips tend to dry and chap so easily during pregnancy.So keep a nice supply of your favorite moisturizing lip balms to keep your lips soft and pain-free.

Maternity Jeans
Lets face it, the rubber band on the button trick will only work for a little while. As your belly grows and your daily life continues, you will soon realize that having a great pair (or two) of maternity jeans is a must! Jeans go with anything and can be dressed up or down making them the most flexible and efficient piece of your wardrobe.

Maternity Tank Tops
Whether you're pregnant during the hot or cold time of the year, having maternity tank tops will make your life much easier. These tank tops can be worn on their own or layered under a blouse that may otherwise be too short or can no longer be buttoned-up. Get them in all your favorite colors; you'll be glad you did!

Maternity Gaucho Pants
So wearing sweatpants too much may make you feel a bit down on yourself, so wear maternity Gauchos instead! These super comfy jersey cotton pants look like a skirt but provide all the comfort of pants; they are light and look beautiful with a blouse, tank top or even a t-shirt.

Flats & Flip Flops
As your pregnancy progresses you will notice that not only are your obvious body parts getting bigger, but also some of the ones you least expected, like your feet!
Get yourself a few pairs of ballet flats, which are stretchy and super comfortable. You can also get a pair of comfortable and snazzy flip-flops to make sure you always have comfy shoes to wear.

Nursing Bra
Nursing bras are some of THE most comfortable type of bra that a woman can wear during pregnancy. They are made with comfort in mind and provide great support without unnecessary pressure. Plus, wearing it during pregnancy gives you the advantage of becoming very familiar with your nursing bra before using it with the baby!

Snack Stash
When you are pregnant, you don't ever want to be hungry and have nothing at hand to eat. You have to keep in mind that your energy and your blood sugar levels have to remain positive. Get a little stash of snack bars, nuts, fruit & other healthy goodies that you can keep in your purse, car or desk. This way when hunger strikes, you always have something to hold you off until you can get a full meal.