Morning Sickness and Nausea During Pregnancy
August 09, 2018Anyone who knows a pregnant person is privy to stories of horrific morning sickness. In fact, very few women report not feeling sick to their stomach at least once during their pregnancy. If you’re wondering what to expect now that you’re carrying a child, don’t worry. Morning sickness and nausea are subjects that need to be addressed. In fact, no blog geared toward pregnant women should be without this valuable information.
Consider This Your Guide to Morning Sickness and Nausea During Pregnancy.
It provides valuable insight as to the causes of each and what to do about it when it strikes. That way, you can experience a calmer, healthier pregnancy.
What is Morning Sickness?
Morning sickness or nausea gravidarum, nausea/vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), emesis gravidarum, and pregnancy sickness occurs in many pregnant women. It causes extreme nausea and vomiting. Some women experience morning sickness with all their pregnancies while others have mild symptoms or none.
The illness occurs day or night and its exact cause remains unknown. There are many ways to treat morning sickness and avoiding certain foods can help minimize symptoms. Ginger, in small doses, has been known to settle the stomach and make pregnant women feel better quickly.
What Stage of Pregnancy Does It Occur?
The first trimester is usually when morning sickness starts. By week six, nausea and vomiting occur. Women develop a strong sense of smell that often overwhelms them and makes them feel sick. They may not want to eat certain foods, either, because they cause the pregnant woman to gag.
By week 12 to week 14, symptoms subside, and women no longer feel nauseous. Morning sickness, although uncomfortable for mothers, does not negatively affect babies. It doesn’t have to be a problem for you, either, because there are things you can do to prevent morning sickness and minimize its symptoms.
What Can I Do to Prevent It from Happening or Minimize Its Symptoms?
Avoid foods that make you feel queasy. Stick to the foods that you can eat without nausea. Try to select nutritious options whenever possible to minimize symptoms of morning sickness
Control when you eat and how much you’re eating.
Eat early in the day and have a light snack before bed. Space out your meals throughout the day. It’s better to eat several mini-meals than a few large ones.
Choose the best nutrient-packed foods and stay hydrated throughout the day.
Make proteins and complex carbs part of your everyday. Also, drink enough liquid so you won’t get dehydrated. You’ll want to avoid foods and beverages that cause gas and heartburn such as carbonated soft drinks and acidic fruits and fruits juices.
Take Charge of Morning Sickness and Nausea Safely and Easily
Being pregnant is a miraculous experience. It’s one worth celebrating daily. Morning sickness and nausea do not need to ruin things for you. In fact, knowing how to deal with the feelings as they come up helps minimize the intensity of them. You’ll be back to doing your normal routine in a matter of no time by applying the advice given here.